Tag: Engrish

Japan – Engrish Restaurant

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I don’t point out Japanese to English translation errors very often because anyone who’s read my blog knows that I’m capable of putting English together in strange and unexpected ways. And for the most part, the English you see in Japan is pretty good. But, sometimes I came across something that is so strange that I have to post it.

There’s a restaurant in one of the malls on Odaiba that is decorated with phrases painted on the outside walls talking about how good the restaurant is. To be different, they decided to have the phrases in English, but unfortunately, it looks like they just did a Google translation to translate Japanese to English. Most of the translations are understandable, but slightly off, some of them came out pretty funny. My favorite is “We cook the delicious meat which selected deliciously.”

Or, maybe this could all be a cleaver marketing ploy to get English speaking foreigners to post photos of the restaurant all over the internet.

Engrish signs painted on the walls of a restaurant in Tokyo Click to read the rest of this post

Japan – Bending Machines

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When I first saw this sign in my hotel I thought that it was for an exercise room. But I quickly figured out that Bending Machines was Vending Machines.

I was told that this is a pretty common mistake because there’s no V sound in the Japanese language.

Japan – Dog-Wiz

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Dog-Wiz pet store. I’m pretty sure they were thinking Wiz as in smart, but I saw Wiz as slang for peeing. The fact that the sign is yellow doesn’t help. So I just kept thinking it was the Dog Pee Pet Store. Maybe it just shows where my mind is.

Dog Pee Happy Forest. That’s even stranger. I know I’m not a happy Forrest if a dog pees on me.