Archives: 2009 August

Taiwan – Modern Toilet Restaurant


One strange place I had heard about before going to Taiwan was the Modern Toilet Restaurants. Basically, it’s a chain of bathroom themed restaurants. So if course I had to check it out. The restaurant was interesting, but actually not as crazy as I had imagined it could be.

All of the seats in the restaurant are toilets, the tables are made out of bathtubs

French fries and a drink

The food is served in little squatter toilets

The drinks come in little urinals

Does this taste funny?

Taiwan – No Birds

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I saw these no birds sign on several buses.

Taiwan – Night

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Taipei 101

The city lights of Taipei. Taipei 101 can be seen on the left.

The view from my hotel balcony.

Taiwan – Longshan Temple

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Taiwan – Dahu Park and Bailusi Shan Hiking Trail

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Chinese-style arched bridge

Tai Chi in the morning.

Small Temple at the back of Dahu Park.

While walking around Dahu Park I found a interesting looking hiking trail leading into the hills.

Along the trail there were these huge spiders. Really frickin huge, he was probably about 5 or 6 inches across. I would see one and stop to take a photo, then walk a little farther and find one that was even bigger.

The view from near the top of the hill.

Coming back down the hill I slipped on some wet rocks and ended up with this cool souvenir of my trip.

Taiwan – Taipei Zoo

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Taipei has a really nice zoo. They do a pretty good job of making the animal enclosures look natural, with lots of room for the animals to move around.

Taiwan – Creative Wiring

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Taiwan – Summer Rock Sumit

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Another concert, more rain. Three of the bands that played at the Summer Sonic Music Festival in Tokyo played at a smaller music festival at the Taipei County Stadium in Taiwan. And like all the Japanese concerts I went to in the last month, it was poring rain.

The Taiwanese fans looked like they were really enjoying the concert, but they were also much less crazy then at a American or Japanese concert, no crowd-surfing or mosh-pits.

Umbrellas were not allowed in the stadium,
so everyone was leaving their umbrellas in big piles.

The fans ready to rock.

I told them that I was in the band.

Linkin Park

Rockin out to Linkin Park.

Linkin Park

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